Mihlali Ndamase Quotes on Success & Self-Love
Mihlali Ndamase started watching beauty videos on YouTube at the age of 15. Five years later, she decided to start her own YouTube Channel.
Her YouTube Channel has since transformed her into an award-winning content creator, make-up artist and brand ambassador. Mihlali has partnered with brands such as MAC Cosmetics, Bobbi Brown, Inglot, Essence, Revlon and LUX plus fashion and lifestyle brands like Superbalist, Bata Shoes, Beauty Revolution, Bernini and Brutal Fruit.
Here are some quotes on success and self-love from Mihlali Ndamase.
Mihlali Ndamase Quotes on Success
- “There’s no guide to success.”
- “Before you build any structure, you need to make sure that your foundation is solid.”
- “There’s no growth or success in comfortable environments. Put yourself in uncomfortable opportunities that will allow you to grow and succeed.”
- “Change is uncomfortable. It’s not about being ready. It’s about having the confidence to do things that you want to do.”
- “Structure and discipline will help you get more things done.”
- “To reach your optimum level of productivity, you must put in certain rules for yourself.”
- “If you want to achieve something, you need to commit and follow through.”
- “You are never ready. You will never be ready for change.”
- “If you want to succeed, grow or make drastic changes in your life, you have to get out of the comfort zone.”
- “Be strategic and intentional about achieving your goals. Do everything with the end goal in mind.”
- “Have a plan and put in the work.”
- “Make your goals realistic so that you don’t put yourself under too much pressure to achieve everything in a short space of time.”

Quotes on Self-Love & Self-Introspection by Mihlali Ndamase
- I don’t put myself under pressure to compete with anyone else. I focus on improving myself. I focus on being a better version of myself.
- “I don’t care what people say about me. I am not interested in living up to anyone’s expectations. The only pressure that affects me is from within.”
- “I am terrified of disappointing myself.”
- “Stop giving fear the upper hand. It will hold you back.”
- “Stop allowing other people make you feel insecure about yourself or your position in life.”
- “You cannot perform at your best when you are not in a mentaly and emotionally healthy state.”
- “Stop puting yourself under pressure to do everything at once. Over-committing yourself and overworking yourself lead you to self-destruction.”
- “Take time out for yourself if you need it. Be unapologetic about it.” – Mihlali Ndamase
About Mihlali Ndamase
- Date of Birth: 29 November 1996
- YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWhkEFN9UXdV2zFFZvP7O0A
- Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/mihlalii_n
- Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/mihlalii_n
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MihlaliiNdamase
Quotes adapted from “Hello 2020: Reflections & Setting Goals” on Mihlali Ndamase’s YouTube Channel. Image Credit: Mihlali Ndamase Instagram